'That man a liege of Christ I hold to be,
Who from all ties and trammels is set free.
To whom the Holy God is fane and shrine,
Whose home the Spirit, ageless and divine.
Such men of Christ's pure Spirit have received,
Who was Himself of Holy Ghost conceived.
Thou also hast from God the soul inmost,
Which is the sign in thee of Holy Ghost.
Whoever earth's entanglements decries,
Enters the Holy Presence in the skies.
Whoever on angelic pureness bent,
Like Christ, ascends the starry firmainent.
So Jesus said, who now is heaven's light,
'The Father's Voice is calling from the height.
Dear son, go thou to thy Father's heart!
Others have gone; remain not thou apart!'
--Mahmoud Shabistary (d. 1320), In Gulshan-l-Raz (Rose Garden of Mystery), tr. Norman Sharp
(quoted from H. B. Dehqani-Tafti)
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